Understanding Logic Models

Federal grant applications will often ask you to include a logic model within your proposal to clearly demonstrate what your project intends to do and what steps will be taken to get there. Here we cover how to use a logic model even if a logic model is not explicitly asked for and learn how to start thinking in terms of logic models when crafting your proposal.
5 Common Pitfalls for New Grant Seekers

For new federal grant seekers, getting started can be an intimidating process. It is important to take steps to avoid these common pitfalls to set your LEA up for success. Below are the 5 most common pitfalls experienced by new grant seekers with proven strategies listed to mitigate them.
Welcome to the Greenlights Grant Initiative

The Greenlights Grant Initiative began to protect the most precious asset we have – the next generation. Camila and I are launching this project with one simple goal: to help more school districts across the country gain access to federal funds to help make their students safer, healthier, and happier.
Top 5 Tips for Putting Together a Competitive Grant Proposal

Writing a federal grant application can seem like a complicated and daunting
process. Here are some key tips to help make the process easier on you and your
Local Education Agency (LEA) and make your grant application as competitive as
Getting Ready for Grants

Prior to applying for a federal grant opportunity, your LEA or school will need to establish both a SAM.gov and Grants.gov account. Below is summarized guidance with website links provided to assist the process. Please keep all registrations, usernames, and passwords easily accessible as these will be needed each time you submit a grant application. Please note there are no fees involved in these registration processes.
Top 5 Tips for Identifying Good Fit Grants

One of the most critical aspects of pursuing a federal grant is making sure that it is a good fit for your local education agency (LEA) prior to exerting resources on the application process. While the prospect of large funding amounts makes federal grant seeking an exciting endeavor, it is important to review the following details before your school district commits to pursuing opportunity.