Greenlights Grant Initiative STOP Training

The Greenlights Grant Initiative training guide for the BJA STOP School Violence Program provides step-by-step guidance to help schools, districts, and organizations develop strong, competitive grant proposals.

Training Modules and Resources

Use the Menu above to navigate to specific training modules or use the direct links here to quickly access training materials, including checklists, templates, and instructional slides. 

With Julie Assel, GPC, CGMS, Assel Grant Services​

A reference guide when registering on​

A step-by-step guide to registering an entity on, required for federal contracts, grants, and financial assistance.

Training presentation on federal grant registration, covering the System for Award Management (SAM),, and the Department of Justice’s JustGrants system.

With Tracey Diefenbach, GPC, Assel Grant Services

A guide to help your project team gather data to demonstrate a compelling need for the applicant and inform project design and activities.

Details for the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) STOP School Violence Program, including eligibility, program goals, application requirements, and funding amounts for school safety initiatives.

In-depth walkthrough of the BJA STOP School Violence grant application process, covering key requirements, funding priorities, and proposal development strategies.

With Tracey Diefenbach, GPC, Assel Grant Services

Structured template to define goals, objectives, activities, deliverables, and outcomes for project planning and evaluation.​

Guide to help your project team gather data to demonstrate a compelling need for the applicant and inform project design and activities.

Training presentation on developing and using a logic model for program planning, evaluation, and grant proposal alignment.​

With Tracey Diefenbach, GPC, Assel Grant Services

Structured template to outline project activities, responsibilities, timelines, resources, and performance indicators for effective implementation.

Training presentation on project design and implementation, covering key elements, best practices, and a work plan for developing a strong grant proposal.

With Tracey Diefenbach, GPC, Assel Grant Services

Structured worksheet for preparing a grant budget, including personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contracts, and indirect costs.​

training presentation on budget development for the STOP School Violence grant, covering federal requirements, allowable costs, and budget justification strategies.​